Emergencies such as floods or bushfires can happen quickly. Planning how to take care of your animals before an emergency helps to keep everyone safe. Read more…
During bushfires and emergency events WIRES can be inundated with enquires from people wanting to assist wildlife. Many calls and emails are from people wanting to assist with the rescue of injured wildlife in a direct way. While these offers Read more…
Get Your Kit Together – put together an Emergency Kit today! An Emergency Kit can help save precious time in an emergency situation. It provides items you might need if you lose power or need to leave your home in Read more…
Emergencies can strike at anytime, anywhere and without warning. The good news is, it’s easy to protect yourself, the people you love and the things you value most. Read more…
Did you know? Households that plan for emergencies significantly reduce losses associated with disasters. Planning now so that you know your risks and what to do if there is a flood, storm or tsunami, can save your life, the life Read more…