About Us
Credit: Peter Hickey Photography Image: As You Slept
The Blue Mountains Bush Fire Resilience website is a virtual hub of bush fire-related information, resources, services and support. The hub is arranged in three phases: before (prepare), during (respond) or after (recover) a bush fire.
The directory is a curated and credible source of local, state and national information from the NSW government, emergency authorities and community organisations. The Blue Mountains Bush Fire Resilience hub has local content for the local community, many in real-time via Facebook and Instagram live feeds and app links.
Who is the Blue Mountains Bush Fire Resilience?
Blue Mountains Bush Fire Resilience is an initiative of Springwood Neighbourhood Centre Co-operative Ltd. This Bushfire Local Economic Recovery project is jointly funded by the Australian and the NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Springwood Neighbourhood Centre Co-operative (SNCC)
The Springwood Neighbourhood Centre Co-operative Ltd (SNCC) is a community managed organisation linking people, resources and ideas. SNCC applies the principles of social justice to the wellbeing of the community and strives for a community that is vibrant, caring and inclusive.
For further information relating to the SNCC please visit their website.
How To Use This Site

This website has been designed so users can search for information by the phase they are experiencing – either Prepare, Respond or Recover – or by searching for a specific category or keyword to quickly and easily find relevant information.
Proudly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments
Artist: Tahlia Garland Design Illustration: Pink Flannel Flower